Sean Dougherty(non-registered)
Hi I met you at a sunset lookout at Garden of the Gods in mid October and you were showing me some of your photographs, especially the incredible Big Horn Sheep photographs. I enjoyed meeting you Good luck! great site!
George Johnson - Photographer/Owner Ramspiral
Great chatting with you yesterday about the lack of sheep in GoG...maybe they'll be back soon and we can get more shots.

You're RMNP pics are very nice. I recognize the one from Sprague Lake. Like the one with the sheep in the flowery meadow...very cool.
We really enjoyed seeing your recent photos.
Scott Hartwig(non-registered)
Beautiful photographs with reflections of your heart and perspective! Very enjoyable. Very nice to meet you in the Garden of the Gods Park! Thank you for capturing and sharing these amazing pieces of work with the rest of the world - you have an exceptional eye and outstanding talent for seeing and sharing that which most of us pass by everyday! Thank you!
Your sister, Judy(non-registered)
Love looking at these again and again! Your patience is amazing.
Excellent Bro!!
Camilo Soto(non-registered)
Very beautiful photographs, from the heart.
Gracias amigo
Outstanding. Also loved the pics of grandkids. ❤️
As usual — exquisite ! Loved the elk and moose photos.
Loved seeing these again. Such talent and artistry. My brother! ❤️❤️
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